People ask me sometimes where I learned to
build natural houses. I tell them in Kindergarten, when the table in
front of me was full of small things to build with, things we found in
the garbage or from nature. It was the playfulness that I can still
remember, how much joy that gave me. This is the main approach when I
build natural houses, intuitively but with enough common sense. I like
to share the experience of building and living in a natural house, as it
makes such a difference in how we experience life. In the last seven
years we had the pleasure to have hundreds of guests and tens of
volunteers whose eyes and senses were opened.
– Dennis Rodie.
We have at the moment two places you can rent. Book via AIRBNB (check the calendar there for availability).
Via email: (if you want to avoid the airbnb fee).
Other places and structures we’ve built in the last years.
The Bird’s House is available for longer stays and inquiries can be emailed at